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Guides and Industry News

Here you will find a list of useful guides written by our team, alongside our selection of the latest industry news that is relevant to you. Our staff pride themselves on providing you with the most up to date research on the insurance products that we source for you.
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Life Insurance for Funeral Costs 2024

When we think about the reality that someday we will die, one of the key concerns is how our family will cope financially. This often focuses upon how will mortgages continue to be paid, how will the family cope with a loss of salary or pension into the home. 

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Over 50s Life Insurance and Cancer 2024

With Over 50s life insurance you can access life insurance quickly if you have had cancer or currently have cancer, but it’s so important that you know all the life insurance options that might be available to you.

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Stress and Income Protection 2024

If you are earning an income it really is worth considering income protection. Statutory sick pay is currently £109.40 per week for a maximum 28 weeks. That’s only £3,063.20 to live on for six and a half months!

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Income Protection for Doctors 2024

When it comes to insurance, the insurance world has decided that they think the same way too. Some years ago, a few insurers started thinking “Doctors are amazing, is there anything that we can do as a kind of thank you to them?” And I pleased to say that yes there is.

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Cura Christmas Cake

When people apply for insurance they often have a specific worry that has come to mind that they are wanting to solve. Insurance is designed to give you peace of mind if things go wrong. It’s something that we pay for as a just in case but have our fingers crossed that we will never need to use.

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Total Permanent Disability 2023

TPD is designed a kind of catch all for diagnosis of a condition that isn’t specifically covered by the critical illness contract, but is massively affecting your life. This can be both your ability to carry on working or your ability to do day to day things, depending upon how the insurer offers it to you.

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