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Here you will find a list of useful guides written by our team, alongside our selection of the latest industry news that is relevant to you. Our staff pride themselves on providing you with the most up to date research on the insurance products that we source for you.
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Parkinsons and Missed Protection Insurance

When we arrange insurances like life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection we all have our fingers crossed that we never need to make a claim. The time that the value of these insurances stand out is when you’ve missed out on these insurances, like my dad did.

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Can I Get Life Insurance If I Am Ill 2024

Unhelpfully the answer to this question is sometimes yes, sometimes no. When you apply for life insurance, most insurers want to make sure that they have a good idea about your health before offering you cover.

There are many many health conditions that insurers are happy to consider for life insurance, a key determining factor is how much the condition affects you. It is a very complex area and hopefully I can give you some insight in this blog.

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How To Get Life Insurance On A Parent 2024

I want to start this blog off with a very quick and clear point, there are certain rules and procedures about setting up life insurance. When it comes to arranging life insurance on another person such as your parent, it is often possible, but just because it’s possible doesn’t mean it should happen.

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13000 Podcast Listeners

Our Managing Director Kathryn Knowles has hit the amazing milestone of 13,000 listeners to her super niche practical protection podcast. With underwriting insights, case studies and structured CPD, this is THE place to learn about protection insurance.

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Top 5 Critical Illness Policies in the UK 2024

Each insurer in the UK has a slightly different critical illness policy and all of them are great for different people, in different circumstances. Things like your age, smoker status, BMI, medical history, travel, work and hobbies can all play a huge part in which critical illness policy will be right for you.

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