Golf Players & Life Insurance

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Golf Players & Life Insurance

Golf PlayerAs a professional sportsperson you have an active and healthy lifestyle, things that are seen as a big positive when you apply for life insurance.

Being a professional golfer should not have much influence upon the life insurance options that you have within the UK.

To double check this for you we will ask you:

  • How much time do you spend outside of the UK each year?
  • Are you UK resident?
  • Have you had any recent injuries or are due any routine medical checks soon?

It is quite likely that you will be able to arrange life insurance at standard terms with most insurers in the UK. The times that there can be a bit more thought over which insurer will be right for you, are when you are outside of the UK for significant periods of time each year. This is because insurers can start to think that your residency is outside of the UK.

This does not stop you from getting life insurance, it just means that selecting the right insurer for you will be absolutely key. 

We do ask about your medical history and family medical history too, as this can influence the options that you have. Any recent injuries that you have will probably have little bearing on your life insurance application, but if you are due any corrective surgery or therapies this can sometimes delay the start date of your life insurance.

Our advisers are here to help you find the right insurer to match your circumstances, to get you the best terms possible.

Critical illness cover pays out a cash lump sum of money, if you are diagnosed with a medical condition that is listed in the insurer’s claims set e.g. cancer, heart attack, stroke.

Critical illness cover should be quite straightforward to arrange for you if you class the UK as your main residence. A lot of critical illness policies come with a claimable condition known as Total Permanent Disability. Sometimes this claimable condition can come with exclusions or not be offered, if someone has a health condition, a high risk job or does dangerous sports.

Golf is not seen as particularly dangerous but the way that this condition is assessed for a claim, can make it trickier to get if you are a professional sportsperson.  Total permanent disability is usually assessed upon an ‘own occupation’ definition and this means that the critical illness policy can pay out if you become ill and can never do your job again.

As a professional golfer you need to be very healthy to do your job. It doesn’t take too much for you to develop a health condition that can stop your career. This means that you might not be offered total permanent disability cover on an own occupation basis with some insurers.

Our expert advisers will find the right critical illness policy to match your work.

Income protection pays you a replacement of your monthly income, if you are unable to work due to ill health.

As a golfer you will know that being fit and healthy is a key part of your work. Even a small injury or illness can mean that you have to stop working to recuperate and get back into the swing of things. This means that it doesn’t take much for you to be told by a medical professional to stop working, compared to other occupations.

This can mean that some insurers will not consider your application for income protection, as they will see your occupation as putting you at a high risk of making a claim. As a professional sportsperson it’s quite likely that your income protection policy will need to be placed with a specialist insurer. 

If you work outside of the UK regularly or a no longer a UK tax payer, this will affect your ability to get an income protection policy in the UK.

Our advisers recommend income protection for people every day and we will be able to let you know exactly what you can have. Get in touch today for a no obligation quotation.

Get an Income Protection Quote

We work alongside a specialist travel broker to get you the travel insurance that you need. To find out more, please visit our travel page here.

  • Stress
  • Back injury
  • Shoulder injury
  • Coaching
  • Professional golf

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This is the second time I've dealt with Cura and again first class service from all staff particularly Ellice who was amazing and extremely helpful. - 5 

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Golf Player

Dr Kathryn Knowles Phd

This page was written by Dr Kathryn Knowles Phd, an award-winning insurance adviser. To read more about Kathryn please see her bio here

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